Hi, I'm Sarah, and I'm here to help you save money and make money!
As an editor and personal finance expert with 20 years' experience, I want to take the hard work out of managing your money and maybe – dare I say it – even start to enjoy it?!
In my day-job, I'm head of editorial for Finder.com.au, a financial comparison site that aims to help everyone make better money decisions with their household bills and investments. I tackle some of the big issues as a regular columnist with Yahoo Finance and Money magazine.
I'm also a media commentator, appearing weekly on TV, radio and in digital and print media – in 2023, my tips and advice were featured in the media 1,200 times!
A few other things about me: I'm an experienced editor and writer, having ghost-written or edited 30+ books. I'm married, a mother of three adorable ratbags, Lila, Noa and Jesse, and I had the incredible privilege of being a surrogate for my dear friend Lisa in 2023.
I truly believe everyone deserves the right to a safe, secure, beautiful life, which is why I'm so passionate about financial literacy - when you know your money, your options are limitless. It's also why I'm so invested in equality and support for kids, as an ambassador for Act for Kids. Since 2014, I've hosted regular fundraising morning teas, Feel Good Fridays and to date, we've raised over $50,000 for those in need in the community!
I provide factual information and general advice as a Corporate Authorised Representative (432664) of Finder.com.au Pty Ltd ACN 166 740 398, Australian Financial Services Licence 547310.

You may have seen me on...

My passion for personal finance has turned into a mission to make money less like homework, and more like a good time 🥳
For a leg-up on how to save money and make money...
Follow me on Instagram here - this is where I share daily money tips, links to articles and media clips.
Read my latest articles on Finder here.
Check out my money-saving tips in my 'Savings with Sarah' column.
Connect on LinkedIn here.
Sign up for a weekly dose of savings inspo from me and other Finder experts with our Dollar Saver newsletter.
Or, contact me below!
To contact me for a media interview, please email aupr@finder.com.

I'd love to hear from you!
Contact me now via phone or email, or fill in the form and I will be in touch within 3 business days.